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Carol Service with Sound & Light 2015

by Sue Challoner – 27th December 2015 @ 10:10am
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St. Bart's was bursting at the seams on Christmas Eve, when the largest congregation in 40 years packed the Church for our Carol Service with Sound and Light.

The lessons were read by villagers, carols sung by all and accompanied by Ruth Edge on the organ. Poems were read by Rev. Anne, and the Gospel and Final Blessing were given by The Venerable Ian Bishop, Archdeacon of Macclesfield.

This year, music and lighting effects were supplemented with films and slides, Naomi Lakin lit the final Advent Candle to the music of Carl Jenkins' Wooing of Etain, a very poignant piece which she did beautifully.

The finale featured slides of Jesus' life from birth to the resurrection, showing photos of actors like Robert Powell, and the art of masters like Salvador Dali and Raphael, accompanied by Josh Groban's music, You raise me up!

Thanks to John Headon for his inspiration, and to PJ, Kevin, our readers, and everyone who helped to make this Service such a moving and memorable occasion.

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