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Bujinkan Taijutsu Martial Arts Class

by Sandra Wallis – 6th February 2015 @ 12:12pm
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Classes starting on Monday, March 9th, 2015, 7:30pm til 9:30pm in the Village Hall.

The Bujinkan Gouin Dojo was established in 2009 by Shidoshi Ross Brinsden and Shidoshi Matt Fisher.
The main objective of the Dojo is to provide the student with a friendly environment that allow them to grow, both in ability and confidence. Doors are always open to those of previous martial arts experience and to those who have never studied martial arts before.

The Bujinkan Gouin Dojo has close connections to Japan, where many of the teachers and students make regular trips to learn from the masters and Grandmaster. This information is
then formulated in to unique training exercises that enables the students to digest and implement the new information into their own style.

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