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Bridge 11 steps – update

by Arena Webteam – 19th November 2013 @ 5:05pm
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At the meeting of the Parish Council last night, Chairman Dave Wallis advised attendees that he had spoken to Nicola Lewis-Smith, PR for the Canals and Rivers Trust (CRT), Partnership Board (PB).
Nicola advised Dave, that the PB had adopted the project at Bridge 11 on the canal, as one of its key initiatives.

She explained that the reasons for this were; Church Minshull is new to the PB; Church Minshull is adopting a stretch of canal length; and the steps will form a circular trail, which includes using the towpath.

The PB is very exited to use Church Minshull's newly created character 'The Minsh' on the signage for the circular trail and to work with CM Vision and the Parish Council to install a bench, possibly engraved with the Church Minshull silhouette logo..!

Total cost of the works is looking around £700, of which the Parish Council has kindly donated £350. Works are due to start and complete in April 2014.

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