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Are You Ready?

by Arena Webteam – 6th August 2019 @ 9:09pm
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It is just over 3 weeks to the Madness weekend.

Are you Ready?

To get you in the mood and help you plan here is some information.

Uk Bjorn are tuning up for the Friday night and they need to be ready as it looks like it will be a sell out show. There are still tickets available but they are going fast. The first act takes the stage at 7:30pm for what will be a fantastic evening made better by the number of people who are really getting into the mood with fancy dress.

That's right FANCY DRESS. If you have harboured thoughts of being a Swedish pop icon then this is for you – but it is also alright to leave that to others and come as yourself.

For the Saturday there are stories of amazing feats of welly wanging in training, secret training camps being held and coaches being brought into Church Minshull from sporting institutes the world over.

Are you ready to compete? Don't worry if your training is a bit behind you will still be in front of those whose training regime is focused on the beers sold in the Badger.

Finally, The Church Minshull Mini Country Show is on Sunday. Tales abound of amazing costumes for the fancy dress, incredible decorated bikes, amazing dogs fetching, wagging and being most obedient as well as the smell of cakes drifting through the village. If you havent decided what to enter click here for the full schedule.


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