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Adoption of Canal stretch...

by Parish Council – 6th April 2014
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The Parish Council have been in contact with the Canal and Rivers Trust about the possibility of Church Minshull adopting the canal from bridge 11 to 15, with objective of securing this piece of waterway as a pleasant area for our community to walk.
In order to do this we need to put together a team who would be willing to carry out certain tasks on a quarterly basis.
The precise definition of these tasks would be a matter for the team to agree with CRT, but are likely to include litter picks, painting and maintenance of signs and light pruning of vegetation.

There would also be the opportunity for other actions such as the planting of trees and bulbs, and the installation of seating at the vista point overlooking the village.

If you would be interested in joining this team please contact: Dave Wallis on 01270 522405

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